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a family of four on a beach
white notebook beside white ceramic mug on brown wooden table
woman sitting with baby on her lap surrounded with purples flower

Peer Counselling Program for
Mothers with Partners who work on Rotation

3-month program exclusively for mothers in Newfoundland & Labrador with partners who work away on a rotational basis. Join the waitlist below to get more information, as it's available!

What to expect:

-Trauma-informed individual counselling, group counselling, and peer support.

- Safe spaces to discuss difficult things.

- Information about relationships, parenting, self-care, and other topics.

- Support in taking actions to improve your wellbeing.

- New mom friends who understand the unique struggles that come with having a partner working away on rotation.

"I am beyond grateful to be a part of the Peer Counselling Group ... As a mom with a husband who works away, it can be very isolating but through this group I have met other women in the same situation. We share our thoughts and stories about everyday life that are raw and real and make you realize you're not alone." - Peer Counselling Participant

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